Thursday, May 7, 2009

Prologue; page seven

Chitose groaned from under him. Yakuza looked down at her. His eyes dazed off a bit. She opened her eyes and saw his blurry figure come to. Her cheeks burned up as she yelped. Yakuza fell off to the side at the loud high pitch sound she made. Both Nami and Kuzi shook their heads. “I will avenge her killing someone close to him...” she raised her dagger. “N-no!” Kuzi shouted. Yakuza and Chitose sat up from Kuzi’s loud shout but it was too late. Nami smiled softly. This caused the girl to flinch. “If you kill’ll be doing my brother a favor.” The girl’s eyes widened. What is this? She couldn’t bring herself to pull the blade down, “What are you talking about...” “My brother wants me dead. That’s why these people are protecting me. Once he kills me he’ll get my powers.” Nami replied with cheerful eyes as if explaining how sweet a fruit tasted. “I see...” Everyone watched as the girl lowered her dagger. She put it behind her letting it be held by large bow. She turned to Nami and bent down to her. Kuzi and the others blinked as the girl took Nami’s hand. Nami blinked. “Then I shall protect well.” Yakuza stood up helping a bewildered Chitose to her feet. Kuzi smiled warmly, I knew she wan’t evil... “Really? My name is Nami!” The girl smiled. It was the first time she seemed normal, “And mine is Koneko.” Chitose walked over to her as she stood up, “So...Koneko was it?” “Yeah.” “Welcome to the team.” Kuzi nodded, “Yeah.” Yakuza just scoffed. Nami smiled looking at her two new friends.

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