Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A {mutt} till I die

The Puerto Rican in me died when mi abuleo got shot
now it hard for me to say "hola"
And living with my mom was too much of a reality for me
so I had to go live with mi abuela
Sometimes I wonder if I should just go back to the projects because everywhere else
I just feel like a reject
If I'm not in school I'm at home isolated I just don't wanna look out my window
cause it makes me feel constipated...
Like I'm trapped in a mixture of cultures and I don't know which one should be let out.
Hearing names like spic and cracker.
There isn't a moment in my life when I feel like either.
Because who you are at heart may not be who you are at home.
And home may not be home but a house.
And you're waiting to move. I love you all but see you soon.
I gotta be myself.
I gotta get out of this doubt.
At heart I am mutt because no one can label me
I don't give them that control
And it pisses them off because the don't got a hold

See, I'm tired of living a like it or not
I'm a mutt till I die


ringo161718 said...

Tell them kitty-chan. I would say the same...(Mexican until I die!!!).

Janna said...

Whaaat, You told them!!